
Adyogi automates your ad management operations to deliver performance and profitability

    Facebook & Google Ad management

    Amazon Ad management


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      A Women's Lingere Brand

      This is a well-established, global omnichannel retailer that specializes in lingerie and related products. With high average order values, the brand is known for providing premium quality products to its customers. The brand has a physical presence in 900 stores in 15 countries, which adds to its reputation as a reliable and trustworthy retailer. Despite tough competition it had managed to maintain its position as a leading lingerie retailer with state-of-the-art webshops that cater to the needs and preferences of its diverse customer base.



      Poor cart conversions due to frequent out-of-stock (OOS) situations.

      The brand was facing a challenge where its products were going out of stock very frequently, which was leading to a negative customer experience. When a customer visits the website and finds that the product they are interested in is out of stock, it can cause them to abandon the website or look for the product elsewhere, resulting in lost sales for the brand. This led to a 45% drop in the overall performance of the brand.

      Low customer acquisition for high-value SKUs.

      The brand was struggling with low customer acquisition for high-value SKUs, such as briefs with an average order value (AOV) of Rs 1100 and a conversion rate of 2.11%. Despite these favorable metrics, the brand was finding it difficult to acquire customers for these high-value SKUs.

      Maintaining efficiency on Google campaigns.

      The brand was finding it challenging to maintain efficiency on Google campaigns due to Google's restrictive policies. Google has strict policies regarding advertising, and the brands may find it challenging to create campaigns that are both effective and compliant with these policies.


      Increasing cart conversions with Catalog-sync Ads

      1. Adyogi's catalog optimizer was utilized to ensure that only in-stock products with higher average order value of 2500 were advertised in real-time, resulting in increased cart conversions.
      2. The campaign was optimized to focus on core sizes and 80% of the budget was allocated to in-stock ads to avoid out-of-stock situations.
      3. Top-selling categories like briefs were targeted to acquire new customers at a lower cost, while remarketing was used to engage the existing audience and increase conversions.



      Creating niche campaigns to generate demand for high-value SKUs

      1. The niche campaigns were designed to create a sense of exclusivity and luxury around the high-value SKUs, making them more desirable to the HNI audience based on location, demographics, affinity groups, career, and also devices.
      2. To further encourage purchases, targeted messaging and personalized offers were used to entice potential customers and increase the likelihood of them making a purchase.
      3. By focusing on generating demand for high-value SKUs, the campaign aimed to increase the overall revenue and profitability of the business, while also establishing a reputation for providing high-end products and services.



      Optimizing Google campaigns to drive TOF audience

      1. The sub-domain with "conservative" product images allowed the brand to comply with Google's advertising policies and avoid getting flagged or banned.
      2. By running top-of-the-funnel campaigns, the brand aimed to increase the visibility and awareness of their products among potential customers who are still in the early stages of the buying journey.
      3. The use of pre-approved images in Search Ad campaigns helped to ensure that the campaigns ran smoothly and without any compliance issues, while still effectively driving traffic and engagement from the target audience.



      The revenue of the brand increased by 1500% in the last 11 months

      • 96% increase in Brand search impression 
      • 90% of the revenue generated from non-discounted products. 
      • 4.1X Return on Ad Spend (RoAS) established on