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Some of the fastest growing eCommerce brands working with Adyogi like Rare rabbit, Shopmulmul, Silvertraq, Prerto, Kushal’s, Only, and 100+ have been able to crack the profitability code to make every quarter just as festive as Q3 (Diwali festive season).


By leveraging the power of micro events!

Download the FREE copy of “How to leverage micro-events to scale eCommercetoday and learn the top 10 strategies to run a successful eCommerce event sale for upto 70% boost in monthly revenue.


BONUS: FREE micro-events calendar for 2023


What’s in store for you

  • Strategies to turn Q1 and Q2 as profitable as Q3 (the prime festive season)
  • The science behind micro-events skyrocketing eCommerce revenue 
  • Understanding consumer behavior to optimize the complete buyer journey
  • Funnel-based marketing strategies to tap your buyer at each stage
  • Key optimization hacks for website, landing page, creatives, and Ads 
  • Industry insights and client success stories as you go


To download the e-book, Please fill in the details: